Grim Bones | After I posted this story on Sweets/Daisy, many inquired (though not always with the best intentions) as to whether either half of that couple might fall prey to on-the-loose sniper Jacob Broadsky before Bones‘ season is over. Carla Gallo says she has heard a rumor that someone will die, yet she refuses to fret. As she rationalizes, “Really? Can Sweets stand another tragic death in his life? I’m going to put out positive thoughts; I don’t think Daisy’s going to be the one.” Yet not all of the squinterns are as calm, cool and collected. “[We’re] like, ‘Whoever gets a pilot is probably who’s going to die,’” says Gallo, who, along with Ryan Cartwright (aka Vincent Nigel-Murray), falls into that category. Or might the season end on a sour note for Sweets? Says John Francis Daley, “Maybe I haven’t heard about [who’s dying] because I’m the next to go!”
Source: TV Line
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