YOU'RE KILLING ME: Fox goes into serial-killer overdrive as its Monday crime dramas come to a violent close. Bones (8/7c) brings back the devious and elusive madman Christopher Pelant (Andrew Leeds) to torment the Jeffersonian brain trust, with Booth (David Boreanaz)
the apparent target of his latest schemes. ... We're promised a final
(for now, until next season) showdown between Svengali serial-killer Joe
Carroll (James Purefoy) and the erstwhile Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon) in the first-season finale of The Following (9/8c). I suppose we're meant to be worried about Agent Parker (Annie Parisse),
last seen buried alive by Joe's minions. But she's such an aggravating
nitwit — the feds didn't even screen the citizens crowding the
evacuation center, setting up last week's inane massacre — that it's
kind of hard to care. ... More murderous fun on A&E's Bates Motel
(10/9c), where the family just put an end to Deputy Shelby's reign of
terror, with a wild shootout in the infamous murder house. Now it's time
to hang out the open-for-business sign at the motel, and we're told
Norma (the sensational Vera Farmiga) is in for a surprise when she checks in their first guest. ... On a much higher plane of drama, Sundance's quietly riveting Rectify (10/9c) features the great Hal Holbrook
as Daniel's first lawyer, recalling "the terror of the town back then"
during the murder trial that put Daniel on death row nearly two decades
ago. As for Daniel (Aden Young):
"I might just lay low today," he says, spending much of the episode
exploring the family home in a poignant daze, rekindling old memories
(and music) as the family walks on eggshells and the town simmers in
anger over his release. Not to be missed...
Source: TV Guide

Monday, April 29, 2013
The Monday Playlist: ...Fox's Serial-Killer Finales...
Season Eight,
The Secret in the Siege