COMINGS AND GOINGS: Returning for its eighth season, Fox's Bones
(8/7c) spends its first hour extricating its heroes from the mess of
last season's cliffhanger, which took on the eye-rolling task of setting
up Bones (Emily Deschanel) to be framed for murder by the diabolical tech wizard Christopher Pelant (Andrew Leeds, the show's new Big Bad). Now a fugitive (in a hideous blonde wig) with Baby Christine by her side, having left Booth (David Boreanaz)
twisting in the wind for three months, Bones makes her move to draw
Pelant out by surreptitiously unearthing another of his past victims.
The best part of the episode is watching the Squints she left behind
rally to her cause. They miss her and would do anything — even in one
memorable scene threatening murder — to clear her name.
Source: TV Guide
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