Question: Despite Booth’s dangerous situation in jail, will Bones‘ Booth and Brennan have seen each other by the time the Season 10 premiere rolls around (via conjugal visits…)? —Amelia
Ausiello: Responds EP Stephen Nathan: “They will
definitely have seen each other. Although they won’t have touched each
other. It will be three months later when we see them again. And they
have been through a lot.” (Side note: Props to David Boreanaz
for directing that spectacular, feature film-quality shootout at Booth
and Brennan’s crib at the conclusion of the finale. I’m still catching
my breath.)
Source: TV Line
Tipsters: KATIARABREU , geraghtyvl , Serendipity7427

Thursday, May 22, 2014
Ask Ausiello: May 21
David Boreanaz,
Finale Episodes,
Season 10,
Season 9