What are you pegging the odds that Booth and Brennan will actual go there this May? — Amy
The TV Addict: Considering Hart Hanson already let it be known that “not everyone will find it sad,” “it” of course being the upcoming finale, we’re going to go out on a limb and say that there is a 97% chance that Booth and Brennan will actually take that next step forward. Why 97%? Let’s just say we’re leaving ourselves a wee bit of wiggle room having just discovered that the finale’s title that is “The Change in the Game” could simply be referring to the location of the episode’s murder-of-the-week, which as it turns out is a bowling alley. That said, not even Hart Hanson is that diabolically evil… right?
Source: The TV Addict
Tipsters: lysaleelee, omelette73