Bones Spoilers

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mega Buzz: The Proposal

I'm so worked up about this Bones proposal. Please tell me who Booth is going to ask to marry him! — Lisa
Where's the fun in that? Executive producer Stephen Nathan summed up the episode in three words: Big. Game. Changer. "We've existed this whole year with Booth and Brennan accepting, admitting and also denying their feelings for each another and with Booth in a very serious relationship with another woman — much to the dismay of a lot of fans," Nathan says with a laugh. "I think the episode will be a satisfying conclusion to this story line and also a great start for the next development that happens in the show emotionally. It will be very difficult and very painful, and David [Boreanaz] really brings that home."

Source: Mega Buzz at TV Guide
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