Bones Spoilers

Thursday, March 5, 2009

YES, We Like To Tease (Guest Rumor Blog)

The following is a Guest Blog written by Milky on some unsubstantiated rumors... but fun rumors. The previous post on this blog does, however, affirm partially one of these rumors. Thanks so much for Guest Blogging, Milky!
Cheers, FM

Yes, this is a blog centered on spoilers. Yes, this is a serious blog. ForensicMama doesn't go fooling around inventing spoilers just so she can post them: everything you see here is 100% real spoilers.

Except maybe for this post.

No, I'm not inventing what you're about to read. I'm going to let you know where I read it. But it's just so good news we had to share!

Rumour Spoiler #1: Goodman will be back this season.
That's all it said. That Goodman would be back. My guess is he'd be a guest star... but even a single ep with him back seems to me like a great idea!

Rumour Spoiler #2: Zack will be brought back in the finale, as a cliffhanger!!!!
Some of you might have read this in the chat at the bottom of the site. I don't know what it means, since that's all the spoiler said... again.

As you might have guessed, none of them are all that reliable. But wouldn't it be great if they were true?

Besides, it gets the mind working!

Rumour Spoiler #1 Source:
Rumour Spoiler #2 Source:

Both are in Spanish. You might have problems accessing link #2, since it's a member's only site.
I couldn't get more info on the spoilers, that's why they're just 'Rumour Spoilers'.
And thanks, Mama, for allowing me to write this Guest Post.
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