1. Spoiler TV: 6.06 million
2. TV LINE: Opening Fox’s night, Bones returned to 6.1 mil/1.3, down from its previous premiere (6.3 mil/1.6) but up from its
Reviews, Articles:
1. Tell Tale TV
2. Bones Season 11 Premiere Post-Mortem: Michael Peterson on those Heartbreaking Deaths and the Beautiful Montage: Give Me My Remote
3. Theories that Totally Explain Booth's Disappearance in Fox Premiere: Design Trend
4. Recap: Give Me My Remote
5. Entertainment Weekly
6. Post Mortem: TV LINE
7. Forbes
8. About Last Night - Give Me My Remote
9. Our Top 5 Moments from The Loyalty in the Lie - The TV Addict
Tipsters: KATIARABREAU, geraghtyvl