This excruciatingly long Bones hiatus is coming down the home stretch. Please say you have some new spoilers to tide me over until March 26th? –Geraghty
Turns out, I do! As Ask Ausiello told you, the show will be revisiting Booth’s gambling problem. To that end, Alex Skuby (The King of Queens)
will be guest-starring as Gavin Chadwick, Booth’s long-time sponsor at
his gamblers anonymous meeting. There, he urges a reluctant Booth to
“share” during the meetings, insisting that it is a vital step towards
his recovery.
Bones has 12 episodes left to air in less than 12
weeks (if it were to end in mid-May). Do you know how Fox is planning to
schedule it? –Cassidy
Indeed, there are 12 episodes slated to run pretty much straight
through, beginning March 26. As such, I’m hearing that the season finale
will likely not land during, but instead outside of, May sweeps.
Source: TV LINE
Tipsters: KATIARABREU, geraghtyvl,