Friday, October 31, 2014
Ratings and Reviews: The Corpse at the Convention
1. The TV Addict: Our Top 5 Moments from "The Corpse at the Convention"
2. TV Fanatic: Review
3. Give Me My Remote: Review
4. Paul Levinson's Infinite Regress: Two Jokes and Three Times
5. Buddy TV: A Convention Turned Carnival of Hedonistic Pleasures
6. TV Equals: Booth Has Some Advice For Wendell
7. International Business Times: Hodgins is a Suspect
8. Celebrity Dirty Laundry: Review
9. The Community at EW: Foiled Again
10. Gotta Watch It: Like security at a Beyonce Concert
1. Hit Fix Ratings: FOX's "Bones" was third with 5.53 million viewers and a 1.3 key demo rating
2. TV By the Numbers
Tipsters: geraghtyvl, KATIARABREU, omelette73, CatCabanela
The Corpse at the Convention