Your scoop on Bones
last week was SO good it has me wishing Monday already. Anything else
you can share? It’s fine if it is about an upcoming episode! — Amelia
The lovely Tamara Taylor gave us a nice little scooplet at the Fox Fall
Eco-Casino Party this week – and it has an out-of-this-world twist! “In
episode 5, a body washes up on shore in what appears to be a spacepod,”
she teases. “We don’t know why or how.”
I can’t wait to see Booth and Brennan dancing on Bones. What can you tell me about that undercover episode? — Mary
Straight from executive producer Steven Nathan: When a dancing
competition stops in town for a few days, the only way for the gang to
figure out a murder is to get some people on the inside. “It allows us a
lot of fun with them dancing – or trying to dance. One is a better
dancer than the other. We won’t say which one,” he says.
Source: EW's Inside TV
Tipsters: KATIARABREU, lysaleelee

Saturday, September 15, 2012
Inside TV's Spoiler Room: September 15
Season Eight,
Tamara Taylor,