Question: I loved the Bones premiere. Everyone was fantastic and Booth and Brennan’s relationship is my favorite on TV. Do you have any exclusive scoop on what’s coming for them? —Cassidy
Ausiello: A delayed showdown over her little disappearing act. “Here’s the thing — [Booth] went three months without the person he loves,” explains exec producer Stephen Nathan. “He finally has her back and the last thing he’s going to be is angry. It’s like a honeymoon [period]. Afterwards, other feelings might come up. And believe me, that will be dealt with in [next Monday's] episode. You’ve never seen them like this. There’s tension we haven’t seen before.” Adds series creator Hart Hanson: “It will scare people. They’ll be taken aback.” Anyone want to join me in a chorus of, “Yiiiiiiiiiiikes!” Bonus Spoiler: Soaps vet Melissa Claire Egan (The Young and the Restless‘ Chelsea/All My Children‘s Annie) guest-stars on next Monday’s episode as a “trophy wife” who gets grilled, as a person of interest, by Booth.
Source: TV Line
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