Dr. Lance Sweets died in a parking lot in the Season 10 premiere of Bones.
John Francis Daley had played the beleaguered FBI psychologist since
Season 3, where we met him as a 22-year-old with a doctorate in
In his first scene in the series, Dr. Brennan (Emily Deschanel)
insults Sweets’ “meaningless exercises,” Booth (David Boreanaz) insults
his youth, and Brennan says, “I don’t care how young you are” — which
makes him smile — before she adds, “I’ve never believed in
psychotherapy.” In his final moments, the dying man comforted Booth and
Brennan: “The world’s a lot better than you think it is.” Earlier in the
episode, Brennan calls his discipline “pseudo-science,” but she also
calls him a friend...Tipsters: KATIARABREU, geraghtyvl,