Bones Spoilers

Friday, May 3, 2013

Inside TV: May 2

After that heartcrushing Booth & Brennan ending on the season finale of Bones, I now need to know when that vile Pelant gets captured/killed so B&B can get re-engaged, do you know any timeframe? Nov sweeps? thx. — jessica A 
Other than what I told you in my post-mortem, no. But we have all summer to squeeze more specifics out of Stephen Nathan. Meanwhile, in addition to Pelant returning sometime in the first half of the season, he promises there will be another return early next year: Parker and Daisy! “We probably will see Parker come back probably in the first half of the season because he’s been gone quite a while,” Nathan dishes. “It’s been a fully packed season  so it’s been difficult to fit in all the characters we want to fit in.” He adds, jokingly: “There are parts of [the characters'] lives we don’t see. So booth is in regular contact with his son in the same way we never saw Jack Bauer charge his cell phone, it must have been charged at some point because it always worked.”

Source: Inside TV at
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