Bones Spoilers

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inside TV: January 22

Before I get to our main event, did y’all like last night’s episode as much as I did? If so, make sure you read my post-mortem with executive producer Stephen Nathan here. We talk about Pelant’s next return and preview some emotional upcoming episodes.
Now, on to business: I get asked about Sweets and Daisy almost as much as Booth and Brennan. (Almost.) So you’ll be happy to learn that we’ll see Daisy once again very soon. How? Nathan explains: “We are revisiting Sweets and Daisy. We have once where they kind of saw each other again and realized it was over. But we do have an episode coming up where Sweets’ living arrangement will change yet again. and Daisy is in that episode. But I don’t really want to say what happens.”
Subtext: Yes, Sweets’ stay with Booth and Brennan is coming to an end in a few episodes. (Awww! I liked the roomies!) But it could mean good news for Sweets and Daisy.
Fair trade? Thoughts?

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