Question: Is it possible that those who found the season finale of Bones a sham is because one episode has Bones on the bed being comforted by Booth and the next Bones tells Booth she is pregnant and he is the father? It seems to me that people fail to remember that episodes are not day-to-day events but have time frames that could span a week or months. If one kept close watch, the clues were there. So please, Matt, tell Hart Hanson that even though most fans wanted an obvious romance with some bed time, it was done well and we are looking forward to a great new season. My question is this: How much attention do producers give to the expectations of loyal fans such as myself and thousands of others who wanted Bones and Booth together? Also: I have always wondered what does the term spoilers really mean. And I saw a picture of Bones and Booth with them holding a baby and it said it's a girl! Is that true! — Anne
Matt Roush: Consider Hart Hanson told. It's not like he hasn't heard it all. I'm not particularly keen on stoking this controversy again — they've established the relationship, do we really need to see the deed? — but I will say that producers of shows like Bones tend to always be aware of fan reaction. Hanson is a very active, and reactive, tweeter, for what that's worth. But it's their show to develop as they please, and to tell their stories on their own timetable with their own priorities, and that's the way it should be. I'd be as upset thinking fans were calling the creative shots as if network and studio executives were meddling more than they should.
Source: Ask Matt at TV Guide