Bones Spoilers

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Paley Center Tweets


@PaleyCenter for the #Bones panel with Stars @David_Boreanaz @TJThyne, Emily Deschanel & Michaela Conlin. #PaleyLiveLA

'I think it's an issue that has to be dealt with pretty damn soon' says EP @HartHanson on the Booth/Brennan relationship #Bones

"Everyone had positive, wonderful reactions," says Emily Deschanel star of #Bones at #PaleyLiveLA in regards to her real life pregnancy.

"There are 8 scenarios how to possibly deal with it," says @hart_hanson EP of #Bones on Emily Deschanel's pregnancy. #PaleyLiveLA

"We bonded, we had lunch together every day," said star TJ Thyne of #bones on how he and Michaela Conlin worked together #PaleyLiveLA

Star Michaela Conlin watched You Tube videos of women giving birth to prepare for Angela's child birth scene. #Bones #PaleyLiveLA

Hart Hanson says: I'd do about anything to get the #Bones #TheFinder picked up. #PaleyLiveLA

EP/Writer Stephen Nathan of #Bones said @TJThyne was the perfect father during his performance in the finale. #PaleyLiveLA

'Hart has to leave now and go drown some puppies,' says Stephen Nathan EP/Writer on Hart Hanson's sick sense of humor. #Bones

David Boreanaz #Bones "Guys, Relax. The Castle comment was pure fun. Get a grip. Nathan is a great guy and friend...have a cup of coffee"

"You never think about the future or the past," says jokes star Emily Deschanel on David Boreanaz. #Bones @PaleyLALive

"The money has to be right," jokes star @David_Boreanaz on how he commits to acting jobs. The whole audience laughed. #Bones

Bones writer/EP @hart_hanson says they will never do a musical episode. @David_Boreanaz claims, "I can sing!" #PaleyLiveLA

"There's a place for singing...On #Glee," jokes the writers and EP's of #Bones causing the whole audience to laugh. #PaleyLiveLA

"I have a lot of props, I put them in my pocket," ribs Emily Deschanel to @David_Boreanaz causing the audience to laugh. #PaleyLiveLA

"(It makes) Interesting characters. Abused children recognize each other" - @hart_hanson on how #Bones characters have abusive backgrounds

"She kept asking for more takes," says star @TJThyne on Michaela Conlin getting to rip his armpit hair out. #Bones #PaleyLiveLA

Hart Hanson: We'll probably go into Booth's backstory next year. We were planning to the season of the writers' strike. #Bones #PaleyLiveLA

"Booth is flawed...but he keeps it together," says star @David_Boreanaz on his character. #Bones #PaleyLiveLA

"Our show is unique, we pressed for that and worked for that," -Emily Deschanel on the darker humorous side of the show. #Bones #PaleyLiveLA

"We listen to advice," says EP/Writer @hart_hanson on #Castle show runners comments on the Booth/Bones relationship. #Bones #PaleyLiveLA

"We have the most female writers on staff than any other network," says @hart_hanson. The audience clapped. #Bones #PaleyLiveLA

Fans from Brazil, Belgium and all over the US met online and came to the panel tonight. One girl brought the cast Belgium Chocolate.

"Emily is going to direct this show when she's ready," says EP/Writer @hart_hanson. #Bones #PaleyLiveLA

The cast and crew is unsure if they will be at this years 2011 #ComicCon. #Bones #PaleyLiveLA

A girl from Australia who came to the #Bones panel tonight, sold her clothes to be able to fly here. #PaleyLiveLA

@HartHanson says EP/Writer, Stephen Nathan is responsible for most of the gore. Like the exploding head scene. #Bones #PaleyLiveLA

"David has gone Twitter crazy" says Emily Deschanel on @David_Boreanaz. 'All of Davids lines are 140 characters,' says @hartHanson #Bones

That concludes tonight's live coverage of the #Bones panel! Thanks for joining us!

Lots of #Bones fans at @paleycenter!

..@David_Boreanaz is the first one to walk the press line. #bones #paleylivela

A better picture of @David_Boreanaz on the carpet. #bones #paleylivela

Uh oh...@David_Boreanaz and his tweeting *may* have misled fans about a certain scene they thought they had figured out. #bones #paleylivela

Michaela Conlin, @squarechicken & @HartHanson on the @paleycenter carpet. #bones #paleylivela

Another pic from the #bones carpet. #paleylivela

Michaela, @squarechicken, @HartHanson & Emily. #bones #paleylivela

..@tjthyne, Michaela, @David_Boreanaz, Emily, @squarechicken & @HartHanson. #bones #paleylivela

The #Bones panel. #paleylivela

David Boreanaz named checked Eggos and now we're talking product placement. #bones #paleylivela

"People kept watching when Spock and Kirk had sex...wait was that just in fanfiction?" - @HartHanson #bones #paleylivela

"I want to see us play tennis together," @David_Boreanaz tells Emily. "You're going to have to wait until I have the baby!" she replies.

"You're very Broadway right now," @David_Boreanaz tells @squarechicken. "These people pay good money!" he says. #bones #paleylivela

"We have a very deep bench. That's a SPORTS metaphor!" @HartHanson on the possibilities of season seven when ED is away.

@David_Boreanaz just went into the audience to say hi to @tjthyne's parents. #bones #paleylivela

"Hart's got to leave, he has some puppies to drown," @squarechicken jokes after a joke is made about a fallen character. #bones #paleylivela

"I enjoy playing Agent's a blessing. The money's got to be f***ing right," David Boreanaz.

"How much can you do with skeletons?" Emily recalls saying. She thought the show would last 3 years. #bones #paleylivela

After David and Emily figured out a storyline to get Hodgins on a pogo stick, Hart jokes that this is why they're producers. #bones

The cast is vetoing a musical episode. #bones #paleylivela

@HartHanson keeps kicking up his legs so high I'm slightly concerned he's going to fall off his chair. #bones #paleylivela

"You can't be Booth!" "I have a lot of props and put them in my pocket." David and Emily are talking about a (potential) FREAKY FRIDAY ep.

"He's gone Twitter crazy," Emily says of @David_Boreanaz. #bones #paleylivela

Tipster & Compiler: omelette73
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