Bones Spoilers

Monday, December 6, 2010

Spoiler Alert! Emily Deschanel Teases Thursday’s Brennan-centric BONES

Wondering just how big of an episode this upcoming Thursday’s Brennan-centric instalment of BONES is? So big that we just got off of a conference call with her portrayer, the wonderfully well spoken Emily Deschanel, in which she kindly talked about the epsisode, her take on Hannah and what BONES fans have to look forward to in the coming months. Needless to say, spoilerphobes, you have been warned.

1: It’s a game-changer!
Despite the general consensus that the phrase “game-changer” is in fact one of the most overused terms in the history of the medium, Thursday’s episode — in which the murder of a prominent surgeon has Brennan re-evaluating her life as a result of how much in common she has with the victim — is just that. “Brennan starts, as a lot of people in life do, to wonder… am I working my whole life away, not spending time with the people who are important, not taking a chances,” explained Deschanel. “If I died tomorrow would I be happy with my life as it is, right now?”

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