How much does Arastoo resemble you?
Arastoo doesn't resemble me that much. I am not nearly as smart as him and I hope I’m a little cooler. lol. But I am pretty religious, maybe not as much as Arastoo but I try.
Sometimes there are some yucky scenes in Bones, are you pretty impressionable?
LOL, the yucky scenes are really gross but I am getting used to them. The more I’m around the bodies the easier it is to handle. But the last one was really gross. They do amazing work on the show.
We would like to know if the atmosphere on the set is so enjoyable as it seems from outside.
The atmosphere on the Bones set is AMAZING! The cast and crew really love each other and get along so great. I have built some great friendships with a lot of people on the set and feel so lucky to be apart of the family.
If you could choose, your "ideal character" would be ... ?
That's a good question. I think my ideal character would be someone with a lot of color and personality. I dream of playing roles that are challenging and really different than who I am as a person. Hopefully one day I will be able to pick and choose my roles. And I got really lucky landing the role of Arastoo because the writers have really given me a lot of great things to do with the Character.
If Arastoo Vaziri should persuade someone to watch the show..what would he say?
LOL. Arastoo would probably make a really great demo dvd of the best parts of the show just like the cd he made for Angela. And he would show his amazing nunchuk skills, that might get people really interested.
Can you describe Mr. Hart Hanson by using three adjectives?
Brilliant, Kind, and Talented.
Interview By: Suwya & omelette73
Source: (i-Bones)