The article here at Hollywood News article basically spoils the ending of Episode 100. If you posted it elsewhere on the internet, I urge you to remove the post so others aren't completely spoiled. I'm taking the link down to prevent further freak-outs. If you still want to be COMPLETELY spoiled, you can Google "Hollywood News + Bones" or go directly to the Hollywood News website and search the site. I urge you not to read this article. IT SPOILS EVERYTHING!!!!!! Some people can take it, others can't.

Monday, March 29, 2010
David Boreanaz talks Bones kiss and Booth’s grandpa
WARNING: To the remaining Bones fans who haven't read the HollywoodNews piece--don't. The author showed no respect to the series & spoiled ep 100. -Marisa Roffman
The article here at Hollywood News article basically spoils the ending of Episode 100. If you posted it elsewhere on the internet, I urge you to remove the post so others aren't completely spoiled. I'm taking the link down to prevent further freak-outs. If you still want to be COMPLETELY spoiled, you can Google "Hollywood News + Bones" or go directly to the Hollywood News website and search the site. I urge you not to read this article. IT SPOILS EVERYTHING!!!!!! Some people can take it, others can't.
The article here at Hollywood News article basically spoils the ending of Episode 100. If you posted it elsewhere on the internet, I urge you to remove the post so others aren't completely spoiled. I'm taking the link down to prevent further freak-outs. If you still want to be COMPLETELY spoiled, you can Google "Hollywood News + Bones" or go directly to the Hollywood News website and search the site. I urge you not to read this article. IT SPOILS EVERYTHING!!!!!! Some people can take it, others can't.