Say your prayers, Bones jonesers. The Jeffersonian crew has one hell of a case on their hands after they uncover what is sure to be their most devilish DOA yet. "They find--on an altar in a Catholic Church--what looks to be a flaming demon with a tail and horns," executive producer Hart Hanson tells TV Guide Magazine. Well, isn't that special? Could it be... Satan? Hanson isn't saying, but he does promise that things go full bore out there as Booth (David Boreanaz) and Brennan (Emily Deschanel) follow their noses to a locale where the residents make even the team's oddest interns seem downright normal. "We're solving a murder in an insane asylum!" he reveals with giddy excitement over both West Wing vet Josh Malina's stint as the institution's head honcho ("He's one of our best guest stars") and the hour's overall old-school chiller vibe. "It's pretty atmospheric. You know, rain... gothic stuff." So what does all of this mood and madness mean for TV's sexiest noncouple? "All of our shows further us to our 100th episode [in April], at which point, the Earth moves," teases Hanson. "Though I'm not saying it's orgasmic!" Of course not. That would be crazy talk. --Damian Holbrook