Bones Spoilers

Friday, September 11, 2009

BuddyTV Talks About Booth and Brennan's Biggest Obstacle

Bones: Booth and Brennan's Biggest Obstacle is...

The network! At least that's what I thought when I first read Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello's blind item column. In the article, he hinted on one of TV's most popular couple whose obstacle is none other than the powers the be behind the network where their show is airing.

"For seasons now, one stumbling block has been placed in front of another to keep the dynamic duo apart," Ausiello wrote. "But, finally, at the end of last season, viewers were supposed to get the big get-together for which they'd been waiting. The love story's happy ending -- or real beginning, as it were -- was all planned out."

Sure it could be House and Cuddy, especially after season 5 played with viewers' minds: House, who's been having hallucinations as a result of his misuse of Vicodin, is shown to detox under the supervision of Cuddy, whom he then sleeps with, though the season finale reveals that it was just a delusion.

However, the "will they or won't they?" phrase caught my attention and convinced me that it's all about Bones' Booth and Brennan.

and remember to vote: House/Cuddy, Booth/Brennan, or 'Other Couple'.
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