Bones Spoilers

Thursday, March 12, 2009

New York Post Article on Finale

" "The climax of the show this season will put people into such a spin," says Boreanaz of the much-ballyhooed love scene, "that [fans] will be like, 'What are you doing?!' - but in a good way; they'll really be surprised."

(For the record, both Brennan's sudden desire to have a kid and Booth's health crisis, "will play into the 'copulation scene,' " Boreanaz says with a smile.)

It's all part of giving the audience what they've been clamoring for, but "done in such a way that the audience wants more and may not get it," he says. "

Source: New York Post

The writer here really messed up, though, by calling Brennan a 'forensic pathologist' and saying that there are twelve new episodes airing starting tonight...
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