"On set. Long day ahead. Lots of pages to cover. My last day, but we'll get through it. Sun shining. All good."
No spoiler clips for The Princess and the Pear, so I doubt there will be any. They usually put out clips, I believe, to assuage the blood-thirsty masses (AKA Bones Fans). So I bet there'll be tons out for The Bones that Foam (since the next air date is THREE WEEKS off.... argh!) On the up-side, it looks as if there'll be no more interruptions from March 12th until the BIG FINALE. (Who else is freaking excited?!?) I'm keeping my eyes pealed for spoilers!
Oh, I also discovered that the Canadian channel Global is airing The Princess and the Pear tonight at 8:00pm rather than the usual tomorrow timeslot (due to Survivor). So, if you're Canadian, you suck because of your awesome luck! ;)