"Long eating scene. Must have hoisted over a hundred cubes of seared tuna into my interior. Bleugh!"
He must be talking about that last scene where he's at Booth's apartment--On a side note, seared tuna?!? *gag* Mama hates seafood!
On FOX Returns April 14th
When a famous crossword puzzle master is found in an urban fracking site, the team investigates the lives of his fellow puzzle-obsessed players. Meanwhile, “squintern” Daisy (guest star Carla Gallo) wants the team to be in the delivery room with her for the birth of her and Sweets’ baby. - See more at: http://bonesspoilers.blogspot.com/search/label/The%20Puzzler%20in%20the%20Pit#sthash.ZfOHWOW2.dpuf