I'm desperate for scoop on all of my shows. I know I'm asking for a lot, but.... — Vi
MATT: You do ask for a lot, so I'm going to make you work for it. Here is a list of your seven favorites and scoop for each — but in no particular order. (Sorry, there won't be an answer key.)
1.) Grey's Anatomy
2) Numbers
3) Ghost Whisperer
4) Ugly Betty
5) House
7) Bones
A) Someone will have their secret revealed, and lose what they love most.
B) Two characters will be caught kissing for the first time.
C) Someone makes a career choice that affects each of their coworkers.
D) Somebody makes a request, and is surprised when they're turned down.
E) Someone gets into a fist fight.
F) Somebody is talked into doing something that hurts someone close to them.
G) A dark secret from someone's past is in danger of being revealed.
Source: Matt Mittovich @ TV Guide