B/C I have no idea how to upload the dang video... I took the time:
I just saw ANOTHER new commercial on the rerun of Yanks in the UK part 1.
It had the song "Bust a Move" by MC Hammer in the back ground.
It went something like this:
"Bust it!" Then...Drums at the beginning of the song:
Booth slaps Brennan's a$$ (Woman in the Sand) on the word "Bust"
Brennan kisses Booth's cheek (Knight on the Grid)
Brennan looks at Booth and smiles (The Bone that Blew) (Drums/guitar bit)
Then, Booth & Brennan dancing with the skeletons.. Announcer: "Guess who's Bustin' in?"... "To Thursday Nights"
Sweets: "Am I picking up some sexual tension?" (Fire in the Ice, epi yet to air)
Brennan leans back in her chair in the interrogation room, arms crossed. (Knight in the Grid)
Booth (different shot, NOT to Sweets' question, to Perotta who isn't in the shot) and grinning slightly: "Bones and I are just partners."
Music: "And Bust a move"
Booth sinks in his chair. (Crank in the Shaft)
More dancing with skeletons.
Music: You want it, baby you've got it.
Brennan slaps a suspect. (Mummy in the Maze)
B/B clink wine glasses. (Passenger in the Oven)
Brennan: Should I try to shoot him? (Aiming her gun, Con Man)
Booth: No, Bones. (same scene)
More Dancing. Screen says in yellow lettering: New Episodes
Booth: We'll go under cover. (Double Trouble in the Panhandle)
Dancing w/Skeletons Screen w/ yellow lettering: New Cases
Brennan: Are we going under cover? (Double Trouble)
Booth twirls his knife along with the drum beat of the song. (Double Trouble)
Dancing with skeletons. Lettering: New Night
Booth throws a knife, hits a rubber apple above Brennan's head, pops. (Double Trouble)
Booth: I could've killed you! (Double Trouble)
Brennan: Therin lies the excitement! (same scene, Brennan's lines are cut here, just FYI. She says, "Therein lies the excitement for the spectators!")
Announcer: All new Bones, January Fifteenth on Fox! (picture of B/B hugging with January 15th on FOX in the background.
Here's the older commercial: