For my first post, I'm going to post what I wrote on my LJ account:
I really can't wait for Agent Perotta to show up on the scene. I'm excited about the cast being mixed up again. I love it when the cast is mixed up. Sure, I miss Zack, but he and Sweets were great moves. And especially Cam/Goodman being mixed up, too. And it'll be great to see a female Agent in the group. I'm even looking forward to Booth flirting with her. It'll be nice to see that side of Booth.. the flirty man side. We really haven't seen that since he was dating Cam and just a smidgen of it when he made the librarian comment to Brennan. It'll be a nice reminder that Booth is a man who is attracted to women. He isn't going to be celibate for Brennan. I wonder where that storyline will go? I kind of hope Booth and Perotta date for a bit--nothing serious... maybe about the length of the Sully/Brennan relationship. Just long enough to make the other a little nervous.
Speaking of which, when I watched the rerun of The Man in the Mansion Christmas Eve, at the end where Booth says that his ties and socks and belt buckle help him deal with "people more priveleged" than he... then she said she slept with Sully... THEN he said he need a flashier tie! He was saying that he thought Sully was more priveleged than he. hahaha
And did anyone see the commercial during the Christmas Eve reruns? There was a blip from Fire in the Ice. I knew it was that from the sides I've read. Booth says to Perotta (although they didn't show her face, and he was in the interrogation room as the sides said) that he and Brennan were just partners. Then, from the sides, Sweets must've said something to annoy Booth, so he leaves the interview and goes into the side-room. Oh, I remember. From the sides, Perotta asks a very psychological question such as, "Why did you feel you needed to assert your etc, etc, on the ice etc, etc." so Booth knew Sweets was talking into her ear piece. He leaves the interview, goes into the side room and confronts Sweets. From the commercial, Sweets says to Booth "Am I sensing some sexual tension?" From the sides, Booth storms out of the side-room and back into the interview. (I wonder what that confrontation is about! It takes up an entire page!)... Then Booth asks if Perotta has any questions for him, after asking her to remove her ear piece. She asks how often he works out (hehehehe), They make some flirty exchanges, then Sweets rolls his eyes.
Too funny. And I can't wait for Perotta. I just can't. It'll be nice to see the cast mixed up a bit. Throw in a little more tension. Make it palpable. Oh, baby. Where's January when you need it?
Agent Perotta will be played by Marisa Coughlan. I've linked her name to her IMDB profile. She can also be found at marisacoughlan.org