As usual, Kristin, who likes to hand out Bones Spoilers and sucks at it, is feeding the viewers heaping spoonfuls of crap. She's so full of it. And that's one reason why I'm starting this blog. If you ever need a Bones Spoiler Fix, come here. You'll get your info a lot straighter than with Kristin.
In this little Q&A session, Kristin makes it sound like B&B are really going to rock that trailer. BUT if you read the sides (the VERY same sides that we read!!!) you'll see that Sweets tells them to get into one another and they'll come to them. So, they rock the trailer. In the more literal sense. The scene is quick and we don't even get to see anything of the inside of that trailer. So, pah to you, Kristin. You're full of it.
Kelly in Albany, N.Y.: I am dying to hear some news about Bones! When are we going to see something steamy going on with Booth and Brennan!?
When the show returns on Jan. 15, Booth and Bones will go undercover as married couple Buck and Wanda in the circus after Siamese twins show up dead. Since they have to make everything convincing, the pair will share a bed in their trailer. All I can say is when the trailer's a rockin', don't come a knockin'. And trust me, it will be a rockin!