They're cut off b/c they're so big, so to see the whole photo, all you have to do is just click on the photo!
I see that Hodgins is holding up the "Evidence" that he took. It's in that vile. Is it that piece of bumper sticker? Or is it a fiber or something?
You can also see that Brennan never changed out of her dress, she just put the lab jacket over the top and her hair is a little disheveled. So she was so worried about Booth, she didn't go home to sleep or anything probably. *loves*
Also, it looks like (and I know this is just repeat, but who knows if you haven't heard it yet) that the team is going to a Jeffersonian Gala like in A Boy in a Bush (Season 1) where Angela needed to hear her job description in Goodman's deep African American tone and Hodgins didn't want to go because it would blow his Joe Schmoe cover. Notice how he's the only one not dressed up nicely (sporting a red hoodie...).