@BiancoRobert Was wondering your thoughts on why there is no clear date 4 the return of #Bones from Fox? #StressedOutBonehead #askbianco
— Linda Geraghty (@geraghtyvl) December 7, 2015
Thanks for getting back to me! Phalanges crossed! #Bones @HartHanson https://t.co/q85uxbjFKc
— Linda Geraghty (@geraghtyvl) December 7, 2015
"I have many thoughts: It's aging, it's becoming more expensive, and the stars are now waging battle against the studio for their share of the profits. So it's not shocking that Fox would want to focus for the moment on pushing newer series. On the other hand, "Bones" remains a strong, steady performer for Fox. It's a show the network uses as a "utility player," something that can step in when another series has failed, and that's probably the use Fox has in mind for it again now. And there are worse things than being held off the schedule for awhile. For example, you could be on the schedule in a lousy, take-it-as-demotion time slot, which is how "Sleepy Hollow" fans my be viewing that show's exile to Fridays come February.
Comment From geraghtyvl Thanks for your thoughts Robert and for your unwavering support of Bones in Critic's Corner.
You're welcome. I do enjoy "Bones," and I think there will always be a place on the TV schedule for that kind of solid, well-done, not exactly demanding television show. Particularly these days, when you feel like if you skip an episode of some shows, you've committed a mortal sin.But that said, remember, I write the Critics Corner six-days-a-week, every week of the year, with only national holidays as breaks. That's a lot of "Corners," and it takes a lot of shows to fill them. Which means every mention of a show in the "Corner" does not equate to support.