The season 10 finale of "Bones" showed that a lot of things will
change when FOX's long-running crime procedural comedy returns for
season 11 this fall, particularly in the lives of Brennan and Booth.
Based on the press release of the network for "Bones" season 11,
Brennan (Emily Deschanel) and Booth (David Boreanaz) will finally find
the peaceful and safe life that they have been longing for after leaving
the FBI and the Jeffersonian lab for the sake of their growing family.
But it seems like the bliss will not last that long. The press release says...

Thursday, July 2, 2015
'Bones' season 11 spoilers: Unique murder case lures Brennan and Booth to return to Jeffersonian Institute
Season 11,
The Revelation in the Remains