Tipsters: MoxieGirl44, geraghtyvl

Thursday, April 30, 2015
Celebrate a 'Bones' Milestone by Playing Live Bingo with Fans
Holy cats, the Bones Fairies are whipping up quite a frenzy in the digital world to get fans jazzed about the 206th Bones
episode, "The Big Beef in the Royal Diner." As any good Boner (Thanks,
Craig Ferguson) knows, there are 206 bones in the adult body. The usual
individual bone mention count for a Bones episode falls between
ten and 20. To give this momentous occasion the respect and adulation it
deserves -- after all, this episode is now FOX's longest-running prime
time hour dramedy in crime procedural history -- FOX has assured us that
all 206 human bones will be mentioned on screen during during "The Big
Beef in the Royal Diner."
Wait, there's more! As Bones
loves interacting with their fan base they've devised a way for all
y'all to participate in the fun by playing Bones Bingo. Viewers can
download their own Bones Bingo board to play while watching. Also, fans
will need to follow the Twitter stream #BonesBingo to interact with some
of the Bones Fairies and to see the names of each bone mentioned
as it happens on screen. The first players to get four across, down or
diagonal, or a full blackout will be the fortunate recipients of an as
yet not revealed squinty surprise from Bones...
Tipsters: MoxieGirl44, geraghtyvl
Tipsters: MoxieGirl44, geraghtyvl
206th Episode,
Fox Extras,
Season 10