Tipster: geraghtyv, moxiegirl44

Thursday, December 11, 2014
'Bones' Teasers: 7 Reasons the 200th Episode Will Be One of Your Favorites
Folks, seven minutes into watching the Bones 200th episode, "The
200th in the 10th" and already I wanted the 45 minutes of the show to
stretch out to a couple of hours. The cinematography is rich and
delicious. The dialog is smooth and dry. The characterization manages to
magically reflect the mood and aesthetic of the 50s without tampering
with the quintessential characterizations of the people we have fallen
in love with over and over these last ten years of Bones viewing.
suppose you're going to want to know more than the simple fact that
this just may very well be one of the absolute best stinkin' Bones
episodes ever of the fun variety. Seriously, I didn't want it to end.
But let's get down to business. How can I tease you without robbing you
of the pleasure of this feast for the eyes, ears and heart? I will try,
my dear Boneheads, because you deserve this love letter as much as I do.
So, where shall we start?...
Tipster: geraghtyv, moxiegirl44
Tipster: geraghtyv, moxiegirl44
200th Episode,
Season 10,
The 200th in the 10th