Notable returns...
* Rainn Wilson’s freshman crime procedural Backstrom kicks off Thursday, Jan. 22 at 9/8c. (Gracepoint wraps its run on Dec. 11.) - (Hart Hanson, Exec Producer)
* And finally, Bones — which airs its winter finale (aka
Episode 200) on Dec. 11 — will be back on the schedule beginning
Thursday, March 26 at 8/7c. At that point, American Idol will begin a once-a-week cycle — airing Wednesdays only, sans results-show telecast.
Source: TV Line
Also: Give Me My Remote has info!
Tipster: geraghtyvl, KATIARABREU

Thursday, November 20, 2014
Fox Sets Dates for Following, Bones' Spring Return, Backstrom and More
Season 10,
The Psychic in the Soup