Question: While I know that the Bones‘ 200th episode
premise is still as clear as mud, can you share any other scoop on
what’s coming up on the show this season? —Amelia
Ausiello: Pay close attention to background music in
the final scene of this week’s episode. Rumor has it someone connected
to the show will be doing the vocals.
Question: Bones‘ 10th season only just began, but I want to know where we stand with Season 11. —Emilia
Ausiello: We’re likely a ways off from knowing anything
definitive, according to showrunner Stephen Nathan. “I think it might
take a little bit of time because there are [actor] renegotiations
involved,” he explains, adding that the early ratings on Season 10
certainly point to more Bones. “If everybody keeps watching as
much as they have been — and on the most difficult night on television —
then I am sure we will be back. It’s something that we’re anticipating
and hope for. It doesn’t seem as if the show is slowing down.”...
Source: TVLINE
Tipster: geraghtyvl, KATIARABREU