1. EONLINE - Booth and Brennan's Cute German Lesson Interrupted by Shocking Twist - CLICK HERE TO VIEW-
- International Friendly Version on Tumblr - CLICK HERE TO VIEW -
2. ZAP2IT - Behind The Recluse in the Recliner with EP Jonathan Collier and EP Stephen Nathan - CLICK HERE TO VIEW-
- (No international friendly version found yet, but it'll be entered here.)
3. TVLINE - Exclusive Bones Finale Sneak Peek: Is Booth Above the Law? Is Brennan Slinging a Shotgun? - CLICK HERE TO VIEW -
- International Friendly Version on Tumblr - CLICK HERE TO VIEW -
4. "The Exploding Man" and "Stay With Us" on YouTube...
Tipster: geraghtyvl , KATIARABREU ,