Are Booth and Brennan getting married at Downton Abbey?!
It’s a question you may be asking yourself while watching the following exclusive sneak peek at Monday’s nuptial-themed Bones (9/8c, Fox), which finds Team Jeffersonian arriving at the ceremony wearing Lord and Countess Grantham’s hand-me-downs.
Press PLAY below for a first look at their grand entrance (yes,
there’s a logical explanation behind their period attire) and also catch
a glimpse of a clearly-nervous Booth holding court with son Parker just
moments before Brennan’s entrance...
Tipsters: KATIARABREU, omelette73,

Thursday, October 17, 2013
Exclusive Bones Wedding Video: The Guests Have Arrived (But What Are They Wearing?!)
Booth/Brennan Wedding,
Season 9,
The Woman in White,