Bones Spoilers

Friday, January 20, 2012

Ask the Addict: January 20

As much as I’m enjoying Booth and Brennan’s storyline this season with regards to their about-to-be-born baby on BONES, I can’t help but feel that the producers have done a really poor job of dealing with Parker. Are there any plans to address how Booth’s oldest son is dealing with the new addition to the family?
The TV Addict: In short: Yes! Or to be more specific, when Booth and Brennan aren’t busy solving yet another gruesome murder in BONES upcoming tenth episode of the season, they will be busy debating how to deal with Parker, who begins to act out to the tune of lying and possibly stealing in response to their newest bundle of joy.

Source: Ask the Addict at The TV Addict
Tipsters: omelette73,
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