Bones Spoilers

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hiatus Fun: What to Do Over the Break?

1. Write or read fanfiction. Check out for ridiculous amounts of the fics. Pay attention to ratings. K/K+ means PG. A "T" rating means that there is probably language and the content is probably rather strong. "M" means "Mature" and you'll find language and sexuality in those fics.

2. Follow Hart Hanson, Stephen Nathan, Pej Vahdat, Ryan Cartwright, TJ Thyne, Eric Millegan, & Stephen Fry on Twitter. Also, follow Josh, Hart's Assistant on Twitter. I'm sure I missed someone. Please keep in mind that Emily Deschanel does NOT have a Twitter, Facebook, Myspace or any other social networking site. If you're following one, IT IS FAKE. Same with David Boreanaz.

3. Watch Bones reruns on TNT Weeknights at 7 ET. Check your local listings. (Thanks for the tip, Brij!)

4. Follow Bones Spoilers here and on Twitter and Facebook! Check the side panel of this blog for more info... -->

5. Check out The ABY forum!

6. Follow The BCT on Livejournal!

7. Create and share fan art on The BCT!

8. {insert your recommendation in the comments}

BE SURE TO WATCH BONES IN NOVEMBER! It should return on either November 5th or November 12th, depending on how the World Series goes. Stay tuned for more information!
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