Bones Spoilers

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Possible Spoiler: Heiroglyphics

Thanks to @_fallen_one_ on Twitter.

I'm not sure why "Jon from Bones" would post such a huge piece of Bones information on the internet. Perhaps he didn't expect a Bones fan to find it, but this should really be interesting. I'm posting it as a 'possible spoiler' since there's no real way to determine that Jon really is who he says he is:

Hello all. My name is Jon and I work as a researcher for the FOX television show BONES. I'm not sure if you're familiar with our program, but it centers around a forensic anthropologist and her FBI partner. It's my job to make sure we're as accurate as possible with the shows we produce.

For an upcoming episode, we're hoping to translate hieroglyphics. I thought someone here might be able to do this or perhaps point me to someone that could help us with this task.

When we find the ancient hieroglyphics, we need them to say: “My heart bleeds for my innocent son.” And it should be signed by the Pharaoh's wife. Is there anyway you can describe what it might look like? Anything at all you could offer here? We want to be as realistic as possible and truly appreciate any help you can provide. Would we just spell out every letter? Does the fact that it's a Pharaoh's wife change it at all?

Again, thank you for ANYTHING you might be able to tell us here.



Source Page

Source Page 2

Thanks to DoctorSuez for the second link.

Keep in mind that this could EASILY be a fake. Very easily!


He later wrote (second link):

Thank you! This is fantastic and you'll see your work on TV next season! We're doing a whole episode involving a mummy and hieroglyphs so I may come back here with additional questions, if that's all right. I'm pleased to find several of you watch and enjoy Bones. Get ready for a fun season finale this month!

Thank you all for the help.

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