Bones Spoilers

Thursday, July 2, 2009

HH Twitter 9: A Broken Toe....

Alright..I don't think this is a spoiler...but the rest of the world does so..fine, fine..triple fine.

Hart Hanson: Today's fun twist, Emily has broken a toe. It's always something. Ah, oh yeah, OUCH!


Emily broke her toe stepping out of the bathtub. I will tease her about new article saying vegans have weaker bones.

So..why is this a spoiler? Because, she broke her toe. What does a broken toe have to do with a spoiler? It seems if it was important enough for Hart to tell us about her toe indications would be that he may have to "twist" something in the script for filming next week to accommodate the toe…. There...and now you have it.

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