Tater Tops 2009: TV Out the Window Moments
Today we get mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore. Yep, it's time for the Moment That Made You Want to Throw Out Your TV category of Tater Tops, and Moment's new little buddy, Sex Scene That Made You to Throw Out Your TV. There were so many nominations for "sex scene from Show X where the fans got screwed" that we thought it best to give all those moments a special subcategory.
Sex Scene That Made You Want to Throw Out Your TV
Booth-Brennan sex wasn't real, Bones
Cuddy-House sex wasn't real, House
Izzie-Denny ghost sex, Grey's Anatomy
Chuck and Vanessa hook up, Gossip Girl
Sam and New Ruby get it on, Supernatural
Go vote if you wanted to throw your TV out the window: here