Bones Spoilers

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Nice pop to Bones!

Emmys go to the serial tales, but longevity often goes to procedurals

Adds "Bones" creator-executive producer Hart Hanson, "A studio would like to know they're going to be able to sell their product overseas aside from the network that's paying the original license fee. I'm delighted with how well we sell overseas, given that we're a fairly funny show and senses of humor are different from culture to culture. I guess joking over a dead body is a great leveler."

There is the belief that a true procedural obsesses over the crime rather than the characters solving it -- a theory "CSI" executive producer Carol Mendelsohn soundly rejects. "Procedurals get a bum rap," she says. "You think it's a closed-ended thing and there's no character development. You can't have a good procedural without great characters." But that denial hasn't stopped a wave of "crimedys" (as Hanson calls Fox's "Bones") from emerging recently. They're stand-alone crime dramas but with a twist.

Hence the introduction of Marlowe's "Castle" and Noah Hawley's "Unusuals" in this season's new offerings. Hawley is a "Bones" graduate and imported some of that sensibility with him to his own show.

Full Story Here

HH Posted this on his twitter :)
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