Fox, which is finishing its fifth season as the top-rated network among adults 18-49, is taking over NBC’s traditional Monday kickoff slot this year at the advertising market in New York. That means Fox won’t have the luxury of knowing all of its rivals’ plans before it makes its moves.
Doesn’t matter, said Fox scheduling chief Preston Beckman. The network prefers to play its own game, and in any case, it laid out the tentpoles of its fall strategy months ago.
“We made some scheduling moves in January which more than likely will stay set in place in the fall,” Mr. Beckman said. “It should allow us to have a stronger fourth quarter and maybe not have to blow up our schedule in January.”
Mr. Beckman is referring to the shift of “House” to Mondays at 8 p.m. and of “Bones” to Thursdays at 8. Both moves have paid off, and with fall series “Fringe” and “Lie to Me” both on deck to return, Fox has islands of stability within its schedule.
Read the Whole Article HERE
Looks like this Spoiler Blog is going into a new year in the fall! Yesssss! I'm feeling hopeful! Thanks to Bones_Fans @ Twitter for the heads up!